Monday, 27 June 2016


Socialist Party members and supporters were out in Stafford on Saturday campaigning for a general election to get rid of all the Tories. David Cameron is a gonner but the Tories are planning a coronation with the leadership of the country passed from one former Etonian to another. This is totally undemocratic and we want a general election now, not in 2020.
Post EU ref Stafford 25 June 2016 B
Supporters of both remain and leave signed our petitions and took leaflets. One woman asked for four leaflets so that all her children could have one each.

Unlike most political parties in Britain we are not frozen like rabbits dazzled by car headlights. We know what to do. We are energetically throwing ourselves into getting rid of the Tories and stepping up the fight against austerity, racism and the capitalist system.
We urge you to get involved in this struggle. Interested? Fill in the form here and we will be in touch.
For further analysis click here to read an article from our national website
There will be an open meeting on Thursday to discuss the situation after the referendum and how we can get the Tories out. It is taking place at 7.30pm in the Village Tavern, 513 Leek Road, Stoke-on-Trent ST1 3ER. We hope you can make it.

Tuesday, 26 April 2016


Despite Jeremy Hunt’s bluster, Junior Doctors are still in defiant and confident mood. Socialist Party members were there supporting their action and later did a campaign stall in nearby Newcastle-under-Lyme to build support for the action they are taking in defence of our NHS.
The backing of local people coming up to our campaign stall hasn’t diminished at all, in fact their backing and support is growing. As one fella said, “It’s about time somebody stood up to the dismantling of the NHS. These young junior doctors are an inspiration.”

Saturday, 9 April 2016


15,000 steel jobs are on the line, but the call to nationalise Tata is growing louder and the political pressure on Cameron to act is building!
In recent days, politicians of all the establishment parties in Cardiff and London are moving their positions, but we have to keep the heat on them. On 2 April hundreds came on a 'Nationalise Tata' demonstration inPort Talbot organised by the trade union rank and file National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN).

On 4 April, NSSN national chair and Socialist Party member Rob Williams spoke at a lobby of the specially recalled Welsh Assembly to discuss the steel crisis:
"We marched around the simple demand that steel benationalised to keep the furnaces firing in Port Talbot and around the UK. That is the only solution. Not to bribe another vulture capitalist to asset strip the company.
Tata reckon the business is losing £1 million a day. But that's just half what Osborne gave to the super-rich in tax cuts in the budget. It's nothing when you consider the social costs of the steelworks closing.
Assembly members should vote through a motion calling on Westminster to immediately nationalise Tata.

Labour Welsh First Minister Carwyn Jones seems to be coming round to nationalisation, on a temporary basis. But the industry should be permanently nationalised along with the other privatised industries like rail and energy.

We need a real socialist economic strategy. As we protest here, Tata union reps are meeting in London. Let's give them the confidence to take the action that is necessary to keep the furnaces firing, to keep the steelworks going, to keep the communities alive!"

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Next Meeting of Stafford Socialist Party Branch

100 Year Anniversary of the Easter Rising in Ireland

  • 100 years ago an uprising against British rule in Ireland took place - what did it represent? What were the lessons?
Come along for friendly discussion and debate
The Vine Hotel
Tuesday 12th April 2016


Despite horrendous rain, Stafford Socialist Party and Unite Community members were once again out on the picket line supporting the junior doctors as they continue industrial action against the government’s   imposition of unwanted contracts.

outside the main entrance of Royal Stoke University Hospital.

Despite the bad weather the mood was still buoyant and determined and by the continuous honking of car horns, they still have lots of support from the general public too.