Socialist Party members and supporters were out in Stafford on Saturday campaigning for a general election to get rid of all the Tories. David Cameron is a gonner but the Tories are planning a coronation with the leadership of the country passed from one former Etonian to another. This is totally undemocratic and we want a general election now, not in 2020.

Supporters of both remain and leave signed our petitions and took leaflets. One woman asked for four leaflets so that all her children could have one each.
Unlike most political parties in Britain we are not frozen like rabbits dazzled by car headlights. We know what to do. We are energetically throwing ourselves into getting rid of the Tories and stepping up the fight against austerity, racism and the capitalist system.
Unlike most political parties in Britain we are not frozen like rabbits dazzled by car headlights. We know what to do. We are energetically throwing ourselves into getting rid of the Tories and stepping up the fight against austerity, racism and the capitalist system.
We urge you to get involved in this struggle. Interested? Fill in the form here and we will be in touch.
For further analysis click here to read an article from our national website
There will be an open meeting on Thursday to discuss the situation after the referendum and how we can get the Tories out. It is taking place at 7.30pm in the Village Tavern, 513 Leek Road, Stoke-on-Trent ST1 3ER. We hope you can make it.