Hundreds of people rallied and marched through Jarrow today ahead of setting off to London. Representatives from the PCS & RMT unions joined the marchers and spoke in support of the campaign against youth unemployment. Kevin Maguire of the Daily Mirror addressed the rally alongside Lizi Gray whose great-grandfather was on the original 1936 march. The march set off with the RMTs brass band and received fantastic support from local people as it passed. Postal workers from North Staffs were there with their banner.
On Thursday 20th October some of the marchers will be making a special detour to come to STAFFORD to highlight the unacceptable levels of youth unemployment in the area. They will be speaking at a rally outside Stafford College.
At our branch meeting in two days time on Tuesday 4th September we'll be planning how we can build support for their visit. We want to make this rally as big as we possibly can! We want to send the message out loud and clear across Stafford and beyond that young people in our area are not prepared to accept a future on the dole or in a crap job!
But we can't do that without your help! So please do your best to get along to the branch on Tuesday!
We will be meeting up 7.30pm at The Pie & Ale Houes (upstairs) Crabbery Street, Stafford ST16 2BA
Click here for the Jarrow March website Jarrow March