Tuesday, 31 May 2011

support nut and nasuwt strike action against academies in coventry

The last week has seen two great strikes against academy status in schools , which is privatiation !

Public Sector schools are being handed over to the private sector who will create a two tier education system . This will eventually lead to the children of the rich having the only access to the jobs that pay a wage ! Therefore to homes and a future . Everybody else will get poverty style working for benefits !!


Saturday, 21 May 2011

National Shop Stewards Network

National Shop Stewards Network 5th annual conference

Lobby of 2010 TUC congress organised by the National Shop Stewards Network, photo S Beishon

Lobby of 2010 TUC congress organised by the National Shop Stewards Network, photo S Beishon (Click to enlarge)

Saturday 11 June 2011

11.30am to 4pm

Registration will begin at 10.30am

South Camden Community School, Charrington Street, London NW1 1RG
Speakers include:

Janice Godrich, president of the Public and Commercial Services union (PCS)

Alex Gordon, president of the Rail, Maritime and Transport union (RMT)

Keith Gibson, Saltend lock-out committee

Frank Morris, blacklisted Olympics worker
This conference will be taking place in the run up to likely strike action on 30th June by several national unions against the Con-Dems' attacks on public sector pensions.
The other main themes of the conference will be fighting the anti-union laws and defending the NHS.

You can let the organisers know you are attending via the contact details on websites: www.shopstewards.net and www.stopcuts.net
Email: mhtml:%7B600A73F6-8EE9-4AC9-9053-E02FE41F874A%7Dmid://00000000/!x-usc:mailto:info@shopstewards.net

Related links:

National Shop Stewards Network:

triangleFight all the cuts – come to the NSSN conference

triangleNational Shop Stewards Network

triangleNational Shop Stewards Network 2011 Conference

triangleFight the cuts – strike, demonstrate, stand against cuts

triangleOppose all cuts in jobs, services, pay and conditions!

triangleStopping the cuts with the NSSN

Liverpool demo against Welfare Reform

Monday , 9th May , 2011 , saw Stafford Socialist Party make an intervention in a demonstration against Disability Benefit Cuts outside the office of ATOS ORIGIN , just off Old Hall st , in Liverpool . Despite what was at times torrential rain , around sixteen people turned up to demonstrate against the IT firm that has taken up the CONDEM Government contract to slash the already meagre benefits of the most vulnerable members of our society .
Amongst the demonstrators were people with mental health diagnoses , which can start with conditions such as anxiety or depression , which anybody can suffer from if they have not got the skills to compete with in a harsh market driven economy .
There were also carers and a number of unemployed that were sympathising with the disabled .
The demonsration lasted for about two hours , and in those two hours i hope that those involved in the discussion would remember what was said about democratically nationalising the commanding heights of the economy , including the banks and insurance companies under democratic workers control and management , because this would release the funds to pay a living benefit equal to a wage for those unable to work , so that they can at least be allowed to partake of the things in our society that they can only dream of now .

Friday, 20 May 2011

Branch Meetings

For the latest details about our meetings please contact either:

Josie on 07790 268969

Andy on 07845 893607